Frequently Asked Questions
The FAA gave me a deadline to submit information. It's approaching. What should I do?
On the last possible regular workday before your deadline arrives, call the FAA at (405) 954-4821 and request an extension. They will almost always grant a first request for an extension. Try to meet the new deadline, but if you can’t, call the FAA and discuss it with them.
Will my mental health history prevent me from getting a medical certificate?
Most mental health conditions are not going to “prevent” a pilot from getting a medical certificate, although with many conditions the FAA will require a thorough evaluation of the current and past situation before they will issue a certificate. If we can document that you are doing well and free of current symptoms or problems, then there is a good chance of success as long as you submit a thorough evaluation to the FAA. In some cases, the FAA will require that you comply with ongoing recommendations. The Code of Federal Regulations identifies only 2 conditions in all of psychiatry that truly disqualify an airman from receiving a medical certificate. These conditions are bipolar disorder and psychosis. If you’ve been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or psychosis at any time in your life, then the only way to qualify for a medical certificate would be to prove that the diagnosis was incorrect. Since mental health diagnoses are sometimes incorrect, for some people, it is worth the trouble to have this matter investigated. But if the diagnosis is accurate, then it is an insurmountable obstacle. For the vast majority of people, however, that is not the situation.
What states does Dr. Nelsen work in?
I see pilots in-person in Minnesota and Hawaii and occasionally elsewhere. I see pilots virtually in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Guam, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
If you are an AME and you have multiple pilots who need an exam and you are in any of the above states, we can discuss an in-person option in your area with advance planning.
How do I arrange for my medical records to be submitted to Dr. Nelsen?
If your records are coming from an original source, such as a clinic or hospital, please ask them to fax the records to (612)-355-8752. If the hospital or clinic uses email or electronic submissions of records, they can be emailed to [email protected].
If you are submitting records directly to Dr. Nelsen, you will receive instructions on how to do this. Please do not email records yourself unless you are specifically asked to.
How do I arrange for Dr. Nelsen to get a copy of my FAA medical file (Airman Medical Record)
How do I obtain a copy of my C&P exam from the VA?
Why do medical certificates get denied?
Statistics from the FAA reveal that 90% of all denials occur because the pilot did not provide adequate documentation.